This is a beautiful chocolate cupcake made by someone in a pink bathing suit that is not Jace. I wish I had been able to post the pic of her mixing it. She mixed the batter with her hands. And I have to eat this. Why? Because it is my motherly duty. While smiling and saying, "oh this is so good, why there's hardly any rocks/sticks/toys in it."
Monday, August 31, 2009
This is a beautiful chocolate cupcake made by someone in a pink bathing suit that is not Jace. I wish I had been able to post the pic of her mixing it. She mixed the batter with her hands. And I have to eat this. Why? Because it is my motherly duty. While smiling and saying, "oh this is so good, why there's hardly any rocks/sticks/toys in it."
Thursday, August 27, 2009
This is another sore spot, if not just irritating. The whole commercial industry of strollers. Have you taken a look around lately? These things are everywhere. And they go against all sense of practicality. I am talking about these behemouth SUV strollers. And if you read the link then you will have seen that the rise of these occurred in the early 2000's.
What irritates me is that mothers think they need these. And grandmothers aren't much help either. "Dear, anyone who's anyone has one and my grandbaby needs this padded room(?) to be wheeled around in." Besides the fact that Grandma and Grandpa put together couldn't pick up one of these. I picked out this doozy of a stroller to look at. If you look closely you'll see that it has an aluminum frame and still has a shipping weight of 45 pounds. (I don't even think a grocery cart weighs this much) Who needs to go to the gym anymore?
But have you thought about what these monsters do to your back and posture? Let's think about trying to take a crane out of your crackerjack size trunk. There's no way you could do the recommended squat with a straight back and let your legs do all the work. You will probably need to drive an SUV or minivan that you can simply slide the stroller out and legs/wheels automatically open, like when a paramedic slides a stretcher out the back door of the ambulance.
Now you are probably thinking, "she's right, I might as well throw the LazyBoy in the car and wheel baby around in that." No, I'm just of the opinion that less is more. Now I don't mean to the other extreme and not have a stroller at all. But let's pick a sensible realistic stroller. I'm talking about the umbrella stroller. Simple, lightweight (9.6lbs) and could fit in a Smart Car. You'll discover that this stroller will be one of your best friends. (besides the dishwasher organizer) When they are little babies you'll probably carry them or let them ride in Grandma's SUV stroller, so don't worry about their little head flopping around. Once they are too heavy to carry then they will be fine to put in the umbrella stroller. The fancy ones even have a sun visor and storage basket underneath. Even if you can't afford a fancy one the most inexpensive one will serve its' purpose. Those little holes they put in plastic bags called handles will slide right onto the handle of an umbrella stroller. You will also become quite ninjaesque at opening and closing it and whipping it in and out of the car. Marvel at how fast you will be on your way while your friend is still reading the directions of how to open her SUV stroller.
All I'm saying is be a real world mom. Not a zombie consumerist.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
After reading the Craftiness blog today, I found this equally stunning approach to healthy eating. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What do you do after a hard day at preschool? Why throw on your bathing suit, stand inches from the t.v. and pick your nose of course! This is Rowan, otherwise known as Bean. She is a preschool warrior majoring in recess with a minor in snack time. What is of even more note in the picture is how clean the house is.
First Entry
I spent most of the day trying to come up with a name. I didn't want something I would hate tomorrow or next week. So I finally called upon the wisdom of one of said best friends, "I need a name for this blog." She came back with Julie's Rants and bits of Wisdom. She's implying that I rant. I don't know where she gets this. But she did say that sometimes I do have some witty remarks and maybe some interesting tips. I have decided that I will go with Julie's Rants simply because the 'bits of wisdom' might be too long for people to remember, including me. Maybe I should just call it 'old fuddy duddies bits of senility.'
Now you're wondering what this blog might be about. I'm guessing it will be all about me. Not that I'm all that interesting, but people seem to like reading my view of different happenings in life. There are several different things going on in my life which I will blog my view. The one area I will NOT blog about is my job. I would like to keep it. Almost everything else is up for grabs.