
Thursday, April 12, 2012

What Just Happened?

I recall saying I was going to write more often.  Now it is April.  Life being life I was swamped with a great opportunity at work, but nevertheless still swamped with training for it.  I pretty much didn't do anything else, meaning I didn't even grocery shop because my whole obsessive schedule was thrown off.  My solution to disruption is to just stand still or try to become as minute as possible, thus lessening the effect of stress. 

I actually did a few things.  I read that darn Hunger Games trilogy.  I have a sinking feeling that there will be lots of kids running around with bows and arrows and that somehow the suburbia they live in will transform into a vast hunting ground.  If you're going to dress like anyone from the book, I think it would be much more fun to dress like someone from the Capitol, like Effie Trinkett. 

I started collecting pieces to create a tea set.  I have tea with Rowan after school where we talk about cakes and cookies we should have at a tea party.  I volunteer to shoot something with a bow and arrow but she hasn't read the Hunger Games.  Lame.  Actually, you can find lots of nifty things to create a tea set at thrift shops and Goodwill if you don't mind having a mismatched tea set.  A mismatched tea set is considered appropriate for the less formal teas or if you're not an "uppity" type person. 

I collected 5 pen pals.  I was lamenting the lack of letters in my mailbox and it was depressing that it only received junk mail and bills.  So off I quested and now write to 5 very lovely ladies about nothing in particular.  Usually it's about weather and gardening or some funny story.  One lady even draws pictures of her flowers which are amazing to look at.  If any of you have played Draw Something with me then you know my artistic abilities are very limited.  A website I found today is fantastic for reading other peoples' letters.  These are famous type people.  So check out Letters of Note.

I thought I would give you some pics to look at.

This is what's on my needles right now.  It's a washcloth with seed stitch and basket weave stitch.  

Here is the main lettuce bed.  All of it is dying off from winter and going to seed.  I'll try to collect the seeds but lettuce seeds are very very tiny.  Some plants are intermixed and are new plants like tomatoes and cucumbers.  It's an experiment I'm trying and it seems to be distracting the bugs.  

This bed had the cabbage and broccoli and green onions.  It's now growing some baby corn and making great food for some kind of caterpillar.

This is another bed of lettuce going to seed.  There used to be radishes but we ate them all.  There's still some spinach and now there's corn and beans growing.  

This is Rowan newest garden bed.  She wanted Strawberry popcorn.  She also got some volunteer tomato plants.  This means we didn't plant them, they just showed up and we don't know what kind of tomatoes we'll get.

Here's her other bed.  It's growing watermelons and Salvia.  

This is one of Jace's gardens... We are either growing our own gasoline or he's going to immediately burn anything that grows here.  I do know it's called a keyhole garden but I don't ask any questions.

In the compost pile we have a volunteer squash plant.  Or zucchini...

Because we haven't mowed the back forty, we get pretty wildflowers.

Here's some more wildflowers I've been trying kill for years.  Turns out they are Yarrow and have excellent medicinal qualities.  Oops.