
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's Kick It...

Alright..let's kick it...It's time for a post.  And it's time for pics. Most people are wishing for snow or have snow or miserable rain or weather they don't want right now.
The other week we had a freeze.  Since I'm the only daring (dumb) person to try growing tomatoes I had a unique challenge.  How to ripen green tomatoes.  I decided to try this method...use a cardboard box with an apple in the middle and cover with newspaper.  We'll come back to the results at the end.

 I saw this place in passing one day.  I was curious.  How does a community garden work?  Beyond the obvious.  You hear about these things...mostly in California.  Does it work anywhere else?

 This is Thor Warhound....Actually I believe his name is Reggie.  He's the gaurd dog at this community garden in Austin.  He's very sweet and pretty much wants to entertain you and make sure you don't leave the garden.

 I spent most of my time talking with one gardener.  She had no idea I was coming that day.  She was a gracious host, refused to be photographed, and informed me to my fill of how the garden works.

 The beds were somewhat thought out.  I liked all of them.  It was a work in progress and all were bountiful gardens.

 These beds had been set up specially for people who could not garden low to the ground.
 This garden was the envy of all.  I want to copy it.  It was absolutely gorgeous. Very...bonzai to a garden I would like to have.  If I could do this for about 8 beds I would be happy...An excellent example of companion planting.  It also resembled a nice salad bar and I really want to just pick some leaves and eat it.

 Why all the pvc arches?  I want to say it's for covering the plants when it freezes or is too hot.


 There's a total of 70 plots for this garden.  This pic is beans with a bean pole or teepee.

Lettuces and greens





And then I went to my car and cried...Not really, but c' do they do it?

As the "Accidental Gardener" that I am, here's how the cardboard box ripening has worked out.  Everything is turning red and ripe!  I've managed to save most of my tomato crop from the freeze.  They don't smell the same as sun ripened but the taste is satisfactory compared to store bought.  Some of these are Black Krim which accounts for the darker color and also red with green coloring. 


  1. It never occured to me that a Bean Pole (as in "slim as a...") was a real thing. I've learned my new thing for today, now I can coast!

  2. Well, my duty is done. I can quit it all. I've taught someone something they will remember forever. Though I did teach Rowan to say, "No way, Jose." I'm pretty proud of that.

  3. I have a feeling that I'll be a big gardener once my kids gets older and I am not as physically necessary to them anymore. I love growing stuff but never seem toactually get around to planting a garden...

  4. Maybe you could incorporate that into your homeschooling? Get the kids to do all the work and call it science or something.

    I highly recommend raised gardens. They are much easier to work with.
